Digital Competencies
Catalogue of inspirations and resources

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80 result(s) found

A Framework for Student-Instructor Partnerships

How students from two universities contributed to student-instructor partnerships as joint owners and decision makers. All students study STEM…

Teaching and Learning English
AI in students’ academic writing

The resource provides guidance for educators how to include university course students to AI tools for supporting academic writing. Students will…

Teaching and Learning Assessment Empowering Learners Facilitating Learners' Digital Competence Croatian
Academic Tutors & Students Working in Partnership

The article provides the literarture overview of different actions in UK and USA. Authors apply the concept of “The Third Space” and Students as…

Teaching and Learning English
Annual cross-university Conference on teaching and learning with technology

Teachers sharing their examples of their teaching with technology.

Assessment Professional Engagement Digital Resources Teaching and Learning Empowering Learners Facilitating Learners' Digital Competence English Danish
Appointing student assistants to integrate student voices in lesson planning and teaching material preparation

This initiative involves involving students in the development of lesson plans and teaching materials. By including top students in these processes,…

DigCompEdu DigCompEdu CUTIE Erasmus+ Case Studies English
Assessment co-creation

This paper explores the growing trend of staff-student partnerships in co-designing learning and teaching in higher education. Emphasizing the…

Teaching and Learning Assessment English
BDP tool

The BDP tool is a research-based, innovative, constructive-alignment oriented and modular solution based on learning outcomes (LOs) and learner…

Teaching and Learning Facilitating Learners' Digital Competence Empowering Learners Assessment English
CATAPULT [Computer Assisted Training and Platforms to Upskill LSP Teachers]

A project page which contains a Common Competence Framework, a training programme delivered through a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), an…

Professional Engagement Digital Resources Teaching and Learning English
CONNECTING MINDS Student Encounters for the digital transformation of education at UMU

Seminars to imagine actions were students help to foster TDC at university (students cocreation and partnership)

Professional Engagement Digital Resources Teaching and Learning Assessment Empowering Learners Facilitating Learners' Digital Competence Spanish
CUTE Toolkit

Toolkit for mapping, design and document institutional strategical actions to foster DIGCOMPEDU at HEIs

Teaching and Learning Assessment Empowering Learners Facilitating Learners' Digital Competence Professional Engagement Digital Resources English
Communities of Practice

description of how participants organize communities of practices regarding Education at the University and what communities are working  right now

Professional Engagement
Communities of Practice

description of how they organize communities of practices regarding Education at the University and what communities are working  right now

Professional Engagement Portuguese
Conference recordings: What is good university tea

Conference with the theme: What is good university teaching? Short videos from HE teachers about different types of scenarios from their teaching.

Professional Engagement Assessment Empowering Learners Facilitating Learners' Digital Competence Teaching and Learning Digital Resources English Icelandic
Conference recordings: What is good university teaching?

Conference with the theme What is good university teaching. Short videos from HE teachers about different types of scenarios from their teaching.

Professional Engagement Teaching and Learning Assessment Digital Resources English Icelandic
Conversations at the intersection of co-teaching

Reflections from a module integrating co-teaching and student-faculty partnerships reveal significant conversations on teaching and learning. These…

Teaching and Learning English
Create teaching scenario

The resource provides guidance for educators how to include university course students (future teachers) in creation of teaching scenarios for…

Digital Resources Teaching and Learning Assessment Empowering Learners English Croatian
Danish framework for advancing university pedagogy

National policy

Professional Engagement English
Design, implementation, and evaluation of Students

In response to the pandemic, dental students and faculty established a real-time feedback model. The Students as Partners program aimed to address…

Teaching and Learning English
Digital Pedagogy Cookbook

A database of resources for teachers on how to use technology in education, such as examples of lessons, and activities. Practical examples based on…

Teaching and Learning Assessment Empowering Learners Facilitating Learners' Digital Competence Professional Engagement Digital Resources German English Spanish
Digital Teaching

It can be tricky to design a digital course. What program should you use, how should assignments be submitted, and how can you engage your students?…

Professional Engagement Assessment Empowering Learners Facilitating Learners' Digital Competence Teaching and Learning Digital Resources English Icelandic
Digital Thursdays

A website of the English Language Students' Association containing video tutorials for teachers.

Professional Engagement Facilitating Learners' Digital Competence Empowering Learners Teaching and Learning Digital Resources Polish
E-Technologie w Kształceniu Inżynierów [e-Technologies in Engineering Education]

An annual conference organized alternately by the AGH University of Kraków and the Gdańsk University of Technology.

Professional Engagement Digital Resources Teaching and Learning Polish
Enhancing Digital Teaching & Learning in Irish Uni

The Enhancing Digital Teaching and Learning in Irish Universities Project is a four-year project, ending in December 2022. The project developed a…

Professional Engagement Empowering Learners Teaching and Learning Digital Resources English
FOI online teaching and learning portal

Portal for online teaching and learning at FOI which contains materials and tips, advices developed for teachers and students for successful online…

Digital Resources Empowering Learners Assessment Teaching and Learning Croatian
GenAI Workshop - a staff and student partnership

This hands-on workshop was designed to foster a dialogue between staff and students, exploring the use of generative AI in Higher Education.…

Professional Engagement Facilitating Learners' Digital Competence English
Guia herramientas para DIGCOMPEDU

Se trata de una guía de cómo usar cada una de las herramientas ofrecidas en la universidad de Murcia para poner en marcha cada una de las áreas de…

Professional Engagement Facilitating Learners' Digital Competence Empowering Learners Assessment Teaching and Learning Digital Resources Spanish
Guide for online teaching

Resources for enhancing online teaching, specifically tutorials and tips for online teaching

Professional Engagement Digital Resources Assessment Spanish
Guide for online teaching

Resources for enhancing online teaching, specifically tutorials and tips for online teaching

Professional Engagement Digital Resources Assessment Portuguese
Guideline for AI-usage in Austrian schools

A guideline for teachers

Digital Resources German

Eight new speculative scenarios for the future of higher education teaching. Consisting of 8 scenarios, 8 tarot cards and 8 short stories.

Professional Engagement Assessment Empowering Learners Facilitating Learners' Digital Competence Teaching and Learning Digital Resources English
How does Digital Teaching Competence impact on students?

In this seminar, students will engage with different areas of DigCompEdu and reflect on how a teacher’s proficiency in these areas affects their…

Professional Engagement Digital Resources Teaching and Learning Assessment Facilitating Learners' Digital Competence Empowering Learners Spanish
Infographics: How Teachers’ Digital Competence Transforms Learning Across Disciplines

Collection of Infographics to understand the impact of TDC on students education

Professional Engagement Digital Resources Teaching and Learning Assessment Empowering Learners Facilitating Learners' Digital Competence Spanish
Infographics: How Teachers’ Digital Competence Transforms Learning Across Disciplines

Collection of Infographics to understand the impact of TDC on students education

Professional Engagement Digital Resources Teaching and Learning Assessment Empowering Learners Facilitating Learners' Digital Competence Spanish
Innovative digital planning of teaching process for future teachers

The resource provides guidance for educators how to include university course students (future teachers) in development of innovative teaching plans…

Professional Engagement Teaching and Learning Croatian English
Institutional Framework to Guide the Comparison

Article addresses the complexities of work-integrated learning (WIL) strategies in higher education, focusing on the challenges of categorizing…

Teaching and Learning English
JCC Results

Three main points were identified in terms of how participating teachers reflected on their lived experiences of their JCC: learning design, JCC…

Professional Engagement Assessment Facilitating Learners' Digital Competence Teaching and Learning English
Joint Creative Classroom (JCC)

JCCs are computer science courses developed in collaboration with two or more partner universities using the learning design approach aligned with…

Professional Engagement Assessment Empowering Learners Facilitating Learners' Digital Competence Teaching and Learning Digital Resources English
Learner involvement in the co-creation of T&L

This guide underscores the importance of active learner involvement, termed co-creation, in education design. It offers practical tips for medical…

Teaching and Learning English
Learning together: a transdisciplinary approach

This article addresses the need for exploring partnership practices in specific disciplinary contexts within higher education. Article presents one…

Teaching and Learning English
Mapping courses with DigComEdu Framework

Mapping of all training courses offered by CeLID AGH [Centre of e-Learning and Innovative Education, AGH University of Kraków, Poland]

Professional Engagement Facilitating Learners' Digital Competence Teaching and Learning English Polish
Marco de Competencia Digital Docente Universitario

This document describes the process carried out for the creation of the Framework for Digital Competence in University Teaching (MCDDU) and the…

Professional Engagement Facilitating Learners' Digital Competence Empowering Learners Assessment Teaching and Learning Digital Resources Spanish
Mochila de Competencia Digital para estudiantes

In each of the "pockets" of the "backpack" (mochila in spanish) students are offered strategies to autonomously develop key elements of each of the…

Facilitating Learners' Digital Competence Spanish
Monthly Lunch Seminar on usages of Generative AI in Higher Education

Series of lunch seminars on the applications of generative AI in teaching, learning, and research.

Professional Engagement Digital Resources Teaching and Learning Assessment Empowering Learners Facilitating Learners' Digital Competence English
Motivations, Barriers, & Understandings

This study investigates student-staff partnership activities in higher education, focusing on inclusivity concerns. Drawing on survey data from four…

Teaching and Learning English
Network of Teaching and Learning Centres in Greek

It is the Greek network of teaching and learning centres of Greek universities which aims to bring together the efforts of all institutional centres…

Professional Engagement Teaching and Learning Assessment Digital Resources Greek
New approaches to evaluation for AI co-created content

This resource explores innovative approaches to evaluating content created with the assistance of generative AI. It includes peer-to-peer evaluation,…

Empowering Learners Facilitating Learners' Digital Competence Professional Engagement Croatian English
Online and Blended Learning for Teachers

A variety of tools and cases to give inspiration to teacher, on how they can work with digital tools in their teaching, the resource includes both…

Digital Resources Teaching and Learning English
Open AGH

A website and an app where you can access full e-coursebooks as well as individual e-modules of university courses in chemistry, physics, geology, IT,…

Digital Resources Teaching and Learning Facilitating Learners' Digital Competence English Polish
Open online courses for Professional Development of HE teachers

Multiple online courses. Contemporary Approaches to University Teaching is a free massive open online course (MOOC).

Facilitating Learners' Digital Competence Empowering Learners Assessment Teaching and Learning Digital Resources Professional Engagement English
Paula test_german

Paula test_german

Professional Engagement
Paula's 2nd test _ for Denmark problems 17.01

Paula's 2nd test _ for Denmark problems 17.01

Professional Engagement Polish
Pedagogical benefits of enacting positive psych.

Implementing positive psychology practices through student-faculty pedagogical partnerships can boost faculty confidence in a new institution. The…

Teaching and Learning English
Perspectives on Community STEM

Research–practice partnerships, especially those using a Community STEM model, offer authentic learning experiences for STEM-underrepresented groups.…

Teaching and Learning English
Professional Standards Framework

New set of standards/skills/competences for those who teach or support learning in higher education. Some institutions now applying this for staff for…

Teaching and Learning Assessment Empowering Learners Facilitating Learners' Digital Competence Professional Engagement Digital Resources English Welsh
Project "AMED - Advancing higher education in Maldives through E- learning Development"

Identification of the best practices and success stories, Study programme structure & materials(!), e-LEarning Roadmap, Quality control questionnaires…

Facilitating Learners' Digital Competence Empowering Learners Assessment Teaching and Learning Digital Resources Professional Engagement English
Promoting a European dimension to teaching enhancement

Its a publication from EFFECT project that aimed at exploring how pedagogical staff development and learning and teaching developments in general…

Professional Engagement English
Promoting and/or evading change

Article delves into the less-explored area of how students can contribute to positive changes in staff teaching practices in higher education.…

Teaching and Learning English
Quality standards and guidelines for online teaching and learning

Quality standards for teaching and learning in online environment that could be used for annual teacher assessments etc. based on the DigCompEdu…

Professional Engagement English
Reimagining the place of students in academic...

This article advocates reimagining the relationship between academic development and students. Traditionally, students have limited agency in academic…

Teaching and Learning English
SHOW IN VARAZDIN - Formative assessment seminars - teaching academic teachers how to build formative exams

This initiative promotes formative assessment among academic teachers through three seminars: raising awareness, teaching methods, and guiding…

Teaching and Learning Assessment English
Student partnership, trust and authority in unis

Higher education is influenced by market forces, causing imbalances between students and educators. Policies, like 'students as partners,' aim to…

Teaching and Learning English
Student partnership: exploring the dynamics

The growing interest in student partnership as a response to neo-liberal agendas is examined. Existing research often relies on normative assumptions,…

Teaching and Learning English
Student roles and behaviors in HE co-creation

Paper examines the co-creation process within higher education (HE), revealing key elements such as dialog, access, risk, and transparency. HE…

Teaching and Learning English
Student-staff partnerships at work

Study utilizes a participatory action research (PAR) for student-staff collaboration, focusing on co-producing a research-engaged pedagogy for…

Teaching and Learning English
The Digital Competence Wheel

The Digital Competence Wheel is developed by Center for Digital Dannelse, who has been specializing in digital formation and digital competences for…

Professional Engagement Digital Resources German English Spanish Danish Icelandic
The other side of a magic mirror

This article explores collegiality in higher education, focusing on its enactment in student–staff partnerships. Through the innovative initiative,…

Teaching and Learning English
The “soft power” of in-class reflection

The paper is based on active in-classroom experimentation with the notions of reflection, student empowerment, and team-based learning, and the…

Teaching and Learning English

The website of a cross-disciplinary professional organisation for telecollaboration and virtual exchange in Higher Education.

Facilitating Learners' Digital Competence Empowering Learners Assessment Teaching and Learning Digital Resources Professional Engagement

UNICollaboration is a professional organisation for online learning in Higher Education. It specialises in Virtual Exchange: A form of online…

Professional Engagement Teaching and Learning English
University of Kent - Digitally Enhanced Education Webinars

Collection of webinars about AI

Professional Engagement Assessment Empowering Learners Facilitating Learners' Digital Competence Teaching and Learning Digital Resources English
Using AI to create a stunning presenatations

The resource focuses on leveraging AI to create advanced and engaging presentations. It includes instructions for using AI tools, discussions on the…

Facilitating Learners' Digital Competence Empowering Learners Digital Resources Croatian
Videocast or podcast creation

The resource provides guidance for educators on creating effective videocasts and podcasts for classroom use. It outlines a structured approach where…

Facilitating Learners' Digital Competence Empowering Learners Teaching and Learning Croatian English
Videos para explicar DIGCOMPEDU

Series of short videos to explain what a framework is and the different areas that make up DIGCOMPEDU in a simple way.

Professional Engagement Digital Resources Teaching and Learning Assessment Empowering Learners Facilitating Learners' Digital Competence Spanish
Virtual Exchange Training for Higher Education Institutions

Customised training in Virtual Exchange and Internationalisation at Home for institutions, organisations and individuals offered as a paid course.

Professional Engagement Assessment Empowering Learners Teaching and Learning English
Virtual Exchange Training for Higher Education Institutions

Customised Virtual Exchange Training UNICollaboration offers customised training in Virtual Exchange and Internationalisation at Home for…

Professional Engagement Teaching and Learning English
WP3 student co-creation on AI and learning

As part of WP3 we did student co-creation on AI and learning

Teaching and Learning Assessment Empowering Learners English
What DigCompEdu means in my day to day?

This workshop is where the academic staff of one specific academic knowledge area (experimental sciences, arts and humanities, etc.) will explore how…

Professional Engagement Digital Resources Teaching and Learning Assessment Empowering Learners Facilitating Learners' Digital Competence Spanish
resource 1


Teaching and Learning
test for CUTIE 11.12

test for CUTIE 11.12

Professional Engagement Digital Resources Teaching and Learning Empowering Learners English


Professional Engagement