DigComp 2.2 English questionnaire
5.3 Creatively using digital technology
I know that engaging in solving problems collaboratively, online or off-screen, means that one can take advantage of the variety of knowledge, perspectives and experiences from others which can lead to better outcomes.
I know that digital technologies and electronic devices can be used as a tool to support the innovation of new processes and products, in order to create social, cultural and/or economic value (e.g. social innovation). I am aware that what creates economic value might endanger or enhance social or cultural value.
I know that applications of Internet of Things (IoT) technology have the potential to be used in many different sectors (e.g. healthcare, agriculture, industry, automobiles, citizen science activities).
I know how to use digital technologies to help turn one’s idea into action (e.g. master video making to open a channel to share recipes and nutrition tips for a specific dietary style).
I can identify online platforms that can be used to design, develop and test IoT technologies and mobile apps.
I know how to plan a strategy using multiple IoT and mobile devices to implement a task (e.g. use a smartphone to optimise energy consumption in a room by setting the intensity of the lights based on the time of day and ambient light).
I know how to engage in resolving social problems through digital, hybrid and non-digital solutions for the problem (e.g. envisioning and planning online time banks, public reporting systems, resource sharing platforms).
I am willing to take part in challenges and contests aimed at solving intellectual, social or practical problems through digital technologies (e.g. hackathons, ideations, grants, joint initiation of projects).
I am motivated to co-design and co-create new products and services using digital devices (i.e. end-user development) to create economic or social value for others (e.g. in makerspaces and other collective spaces).
I am open to engage in collaborative processes to co-design and co-create new products and services based on AI systems to support and enhance citizens’ participation in society. (AI)
Use Case Employment scenario
By myself - I can use a MOOC’s forum to ask for well-defined information on the course I am following and I can use its tools (e.g. blog, wiki) to create a new entry for exchanging more information.
Use Case Employment scenario
By myself - I can engage in a collaborative exercise with other students using the mind map tool of the MOOC in order to understand a concrete issue in a new way.
Use Case Employment scenario
By myself - I can fix problems such as identifying that I am introducing a question or comment in the wrong place.
Use Case Learning Scenario
By myself - I can use the MOOC’s forum to ask for well-defined information on the course I am following, and I can use their tools (e.g. blog, wiki) to create a new entry for exchanging more information.
Use Case Learning Scenario
By myself - I can engage in exercises of the MOOC that use simulations to practice a math problem that I failed to solve correctly at school. Discussing the exercises in chat with other students helped me to approach the problem differently and improve my skills.
Use Case Learning Scenario