learning with competence grids

Promote and document individual learning processes
Clicking on a competence field opens associated learning materials, directly in the app. Students work on the material, self-assess and turn it in via app. Trainers assess solutions that have been submitted.
Statistics and graphical overviews are generated automatically and are useful for counseling.
- weekly working plans
- ePortfolios
- competence profiles
- learning progress reports
- thematic competence approach
- self- and peer-assessment

If you have developed interest in our products: contact us! We are happy to assist with questions related to
- individualization
- eportfolio work
- competence grids

Dakora Demo:
Dakora Demo auf gtn-solutions.com/dakora
Moodle-Server: portfolio.exacloud.at
Teacher demo login:
User: teacher01 - Passwort: Teacher01!
Student demo login:
User: student01 - Passwort: Student01!